Operation Dry Water: July 4th – 6th

Operation Dry WaterOperation Dry Water Website
About Operation Dry Water:

Operation Dry Water heightened awareness and enforcement weekend is taking place July 4 – 6, 2024.

Operation Dry Water is a national awareness and enforcement campaign focused on reducing the number of alcohol – and drug- related incidents and fatalities and fostering a stronger, more visible deterrent to alcohol and drug use on the water.

Operation Dry Water is coordinated by the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA), in partnership with the U.S. Coast Guard as well as local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies.

Agencies from all 56 U.S. states, trusts and territories are expected to participate in Operation Dry Water and in the 2024 Operation Dry Water heightened awareness and enforcement weekend, July 4 – 6.

Launched in 2009 by NASBLA in partnership with the United States Coast Guard, Operation Dry Water has been a highly successful campaign, drawing public attention to the dangers of boating under the influence (BUI) of alcohol and drugs.

Since the inception of the Operation Dry Water Campaign in 2009, law enforcement officers have removed 6,869 BUI operators from the nation’s waterways and made contact with over 2.8 million boaters during the annual three-day weekend. The campaign continues to make a significant impact on boater safety and spreading the message of the danger of boating under the influence.

Operation Dry Water weekend is held annually near the Fourth of July holiday, a time known for increased boating activity and prevalent alcohol use, leading to subsequent boating incidents and fatalities.

Alcohol use is the leading known contributing factor in fatal boating incidents; where the primary cause was known, it was listed as the leading factor in 16% of deaths according to U.S. Coast Guard Recreational Boating Statistics 2021.








Reporting Final Final Final Final Final Final
Agencies 488 630 575 620 736 574
Officers 7,767 7,865 7,518 7,612 7,696 7,418
Vessel Contacts 103,602 126,832 114,987 105,517 98,688 81,604
Boater Contacts 302,146 350,472 328,627 305,466 271,286 201,888
Citations 10,088 11,869 9,495 8,666 9,524 7,305
BUI 717 794 638 625 563 494
Safety Warnings 32,734 33,198 32,947 28,659 25,452 19,260
Highest BAC 0.258 (SD) 0.321 (WV) 0.351 (FL) .368 (GA) 0.309 (IN) 0.283 (SD)
July 4th Day of Week July 4th – Tuesday July 4th – Monday July 4th – Monday July 4th – Saturday July 4 – Thursday July 4 – Wednesday
ODW Dates  July 4 – 6   July 2 – 4 July 2 – 4 July 2 – 4 July 3 – 5 June 29 – July 1

The Operation Dry Water outreach and awareness campaign is in effect year round. Through the efforts of NASBLA, the U.S. Coast Guard, participating law enforcement agencies, and boating safety partners nationwide, Operation Dry Water aims to raise awareness about the dangers of boating under the influence and change the cultural acceptance of drinking and boating.

Operation Dry Water continues its dedicated efforts to combat boating under the influence by raising awareness and supporting the enforcement of BUI laws. Impaired boating remains a serious concern as alcohol and drugs can severely impair a boater’s judgment, reaction time, and ability to operate a vessel safely. Alcohol use is the leading contributing factor in recreational boating fatalities.*

To address this issue, Operation Dry Water will conduct its 16th annual heightened awareness and enforcement weekend from July 4 – 6, 2024. During this time, law enforcement agencies across the nation will increase their presence on the water to deter impaired boating and ensure the safety of all boaters. Local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies are encouraged to register and participate at operationdrywater.org.

Operation Dry Water provides a variety of free resources for both law enforcement and outreach partners to use in educating boaters about the dangers of boating under the influence. By working together with boating safety advocates nationwide, Operation Dry Water aims to reduce incidents and fatalities related to impaired boating.

The National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) coordinates the Operation Dry Water campaign, in partnership with law enforcement agencies and outreach partners nationwide, through a grant from the Sport Fish Restoration and Boating Trust Fund administered by the U.S. Coast Guard.

Operation Dry Water (ODW) is a year-round boating under the influence awareness and enforcement campaign with the mission of reducing the number of alcohol and drug-related incidents and fatalities through increased recreational boater awareness and by fostering a stronger and more visible deterrent to alcohol use on the water.

Boating Regulations by State

 Alabama  Illinois  Montana  Rhode Island
 Alaska  Indiana  Nebraska  South Carolina
 Arizona  Iowa  Nevada  South Dakota
 Arkansas  Kansas  New Hampshire  Tennessee
 California  Kentucky  New Jersey  Texas
 Colorado  Louisiana  New Mexico  Utah
 Connecticut  Maine  New York  Vermont
 Delaware  Maryland  North Carolina  Virginia
 District of Columbia  Massachusetts  North Dakota  Washington
 Florida  Michigan  Ohio  West Virginia
 Georgia  Minnesota  Oklahoma  Wisconsin
 Hawaii  Mississippi  Oregon  Wyoming
 Idaho  Missouri  Pennsylvania