The Aluminum Dual Pipe Support for Aluminum Beams works with the Coastal Series overhead boat lifts. Slides on the aluminum structural beams. Fits 6 in. Web x 4 in. flange beam. The two welded sleeves include 1/4 in. grease fittings at the bottom of the sleeves. Allows for easier greasing.
The sleeves prevent the pipe from walking up the side. Guarantees a truer alignment. Allows plenty of room for an optional cable winder. More than 19 inches between each sleeve. Includes stainless steel fasteners.
Dual pipe supports, with or without hoist hanger, is best used in a center mount configuration. A 4,000 lb. maximum rating per hoist hanger when used correctly in center mounting. Side mounting greatly reducts the dual pipe support and hoist hanger capacity. A 1,000 lb. maximum rating when used correctly for side mounting. See the attached guide for more information and limitations.